In the past working as an intern, I got to work some with cloud generation and atmospheric radiation and I thought it was really cool! Now, I will show parts of a really simple method to generate heterogenous clouds from this paper: Cahalan, Robert. (1994). Bounded cascade clouds: Albedo and effective thickness. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 1. 10.5194/npg-1-156-1994.
I'm not too much in the context of cloud physics so I am not sure how to interpret parts of the paper, but I reproduce below the basics of the bouding cascade fractal-based cloud generation method they present.
I’m running the below in a Jupyter notebook, but feel free to leave off the magic functions beginning with a %
to run this outside of a notebook environment.
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
We start with a uniform cloud having a liquid water path of eg. . We then recursively subdivide and distribute that of water until a certain recursion depth.
def distribute(A, B, fraction):
"""Distribute from A to B."""
shift_amount = A * fraction
A -= shift_amount
B += shift_amount
return A, B
1-D Bounding Cascade Cloud Generation
For the 1-D case, imagine we have an even line of water. Then, we cut the line in half and distribute some fraction of the water from one half to another half by flipping a coin. Next, in each of the newly-created halves, we half each of those halves and distribute some smaller fraction of water from one to the other.
This can go on for any number of steps, so the user needs to specify a recursion depth.
def cascade_1d_recursive(water_content, fraction, max_iter, i=0, decay_rate=0.8):
# First, initialize left and right by splitting W evenly
left, right = water_content / 2, water_content / 2
if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
# Distribute from left to right
left, right = distribute(left, right, fraction)
# Distribute from right to left
right, left = distribute(right, left, fraction)
if i >= max_iter:
return left, right
return (
cascade_1d_recursive(left, fraction * decay_rate, max_iter, i + 1),
cascade_1d_recursive(right, fraction * decay_rate, max_iter, i + 1),
def cascade_1d(water_content, fraction, max_iter, decay_rate=0.8):
nested = cascade_1d_recursive(
return np.array(nested).flatten()
water_content_dist = cascade_1d(water_content=100, fraction=0.5, max_iter=5)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.title('1-D Bounding Cascade Generated Cloud')
plt.imshow(np.expand_dims(water_content_dist, 0), cmap='plasma')
2-D Bounding Cascade Cloud Generation
The 2-D case works just like the 1-D case, but instead of distributing water between a single pair at each step, we distribute water between two pairs (a quadrant) at each step.
def cascade_2d(water_content, fraction, max_iter, i=0, decay_rate=0.8):
# First, initialize by splitting W evenly
top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right = [water_content / 4] * 4
mode = random.choice(['top-down', 'left-right', 'diagonal'])
if mode == 'left-right':
# Appologies for the eggregious DRY violation!
if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
top_left, top_right = distribute(top_left, top_right, fraction)
top_right, top_left = distribute(top_right, top_left, fraction)
if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
bottom_left, bottom_right = distribute(bottom_left, bottom_right, fraction)
bottom_right, bottom_left = distribute(bottom_right, bottom_left, fraction)
elif mode == 'top-down':
if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
top_left, bottom_left = distribute(top_left, bottom_left, fraction)
bottom_left, top_left = distribute(bottom_left, top_left, fraction)
if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
top_right, bottom_right = distribute(top_right, bottom_right, fraction)
bottom_right, top_right = distribute(bottom_right, top_right, fraction)
elif mode == 'diagonal':
if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
top_left, bottom_right = distribute(top_left, bottom_right, fraction)
bottom_right, top_left = distribute(bottom_right, top_left, fraction)
if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
top_right, bottom_left = distribute(top_right, bottom_left, fraction)
bottom_left, top_right = distribute(bottom_left, top_right, fraction)
if i >= max_iter:
return np.array([[top_left, top_right], [bottom_left, bottom_right]])
top = np.concatenate([
cascade_2d(top_left, fraction * decay_rate, max_iter, i + 1),
cascade_2d(top_right, fraction * decay_rate, max_iter, i + 1),
], axis=1)
bottom = np.concatenate([
cascade_2d(bottom_left, fraction * decay_rate, max_iter, i + 1),
cascade_2d(bottom_right, fraction * decay_rate, max_iter, i + 1),
], axis=1)
return np.concatenate([top, bottom], axis=0)
water_content = 100
water_content_dist = cascade_2d(water_content=water_content, fraction=0.5, max_iter=6)
assert np.isclose(water_content_dist.sum(), water_content)
plt.title('2-D Bounding Cascade Generated Cloud')
plt.imshow(water_content_dist, cmap='plasma')
It's very cool that you can see the fractal structure of the generated cloud by the "box-yness".
Obviously the clouds we see in the sky are not the water content values but instead we see the scattered photons. As far as I understand from the paper though, they directly correlate the water content per pixel with the optical properties of the cloud.
Future steps
In the future, I'd be interested in two parts:
- Understand the math of what is happening in the paper better
- Figure out how I can do a simple Monte Carlo photon scattering simulation to see what this cloud would actually look like